we have new t's in stock, and some very frikken tidy ones at that - also we have the complete ironlak colour range in now.... probably until next week when they bring out some new ones but for now.. we be stacked like a lopez butt
ok i have used these, they are as good if not better than the traditional touch marker not quite as good as a copic but so nice for the price - we got about 2 sets of each of these boys so if you have some rendering to do or some high falootin art type bollocks to get done - these are your ladies
we like to take breaks, some of you have noticed our breaks when you have turned up to buy something only to find we are taking a dump or have fled into north melbs to get sushi. We are always busy - we have a rotation of over 6 staff and now we are hell busy working on something new for our eastern suburbEan bretheren maybe its the sun coming out, maybe its the" f' it!" when it comes to nearly everything but art and friends
the last post from last week was futura with some new sweet goods in the form of an iphone case over the weekend the man has a new one with a new company released
futura is name name you should know, the man has been around for years and has as a diverse range of hands in as many pies as we have eaten pies. iphone 4 case is pimp and is based on his icon set that he knocked up for the 1 balled lance armstrongs bike a while back -if not you could always spark one up using one of his custom bics.... see what i mean! all futura gear is through the japan only store tho http://flshop.exblog.jp/
we are open cup day..... like i have ever won anything on it anyway - stop by, buy some kit and then head on into flemington and watch drunken jerks try to mate with one another